Tuesday 22 October 2013

Dorothy Gale To Appear In Supernatural

Jared Padelecki has been talking to reporters about upcoming plots for the ninth season of Supernatural, and he has revealed details for what seems like one of the show's weirdest episodes yet.

"We find out that Dorothy [of The Wizard Of Oz Fame]'s kind of been trapped in the Men of Letters bunker for a long, long, long time and accidentally she is set free, but so is the witch.

"So we have them running around our bunker and we have to employ the help of kind of the coolest computer nerd we know to help us try and figure out what happened and how we can figure out more details on it," Jared continued of the "Slumber Party" episode, referring to Charlie, a character played by the returning Felicia Day.

On the one hand... What the fuck?!

But on the other hand, if there's one show that can pull off this sort of weirdness, it's Supernatural. This is, after all, the show that has featured cameos from its own lead cast as themselves, an evil version of Paris Hilton (again playing herself), featured a man who may well have been God writing novelisations of the episodes on-screen, and seen the Winchester Boys attend a Supernatural fan convention (and that's just the tip of a very baffling iceberg), and had all those plots make absolute sense in context.

So what's a Wizard Of Oz crossover compared to that?

Also starring Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins, Supernatural Season Nine continues on The CW in the US. Sky Living will air the ninth season in the UK.

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