Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Helena Bonham Carter Compares The Lone Ranger To Fight Club

Luscious weirdo Helena Bonham Carter has spoken to The Playlist about the huge commercial failure of this Summer's The Lone Ranger.

Bonham Carter compared the film's reception to that of 1999 classic Fight Club, saying "I've been in this situation before. With Fight Club, everyone hated it. My mum actually said, 'Don't you worry, this is going to be around a lot longer.' And that was right after Columbine and it was just a bad time.

"With Lone Ranger, I'm not sure why it attracted such ire. There are some great things in that movie and it's fun. I think Johnny [Depp] gets taken for granted."

While expecting The Lone Ranger to go on to garner the sort of acclaim that Fight Club has since achieved is optimistic, to say the least, the film does seem to have been unduly neglected. The word from the dozen or so people that bothered to venture to the cinema to see it is that it was really quite good, and reviews were largely positive (including word from Quentin Tarantino, who cites the flick as one of the "best movies of the year"), with the film's climax coming in for particular praise.

It's hard to see where the film went wrong - maybe the public were just burned out on blockbusters this summer by the time The Lone Ranger hit the screens (which could make 2015's mega-line-up rather interesting), or maybe the poorly edited trailers and frankly dull posters didn't excite anyone. Either way, the film stands as one of the biggest flops of recent memory, costing Disney an estimated $190 million, and being widely speculated to be the main reason that Disney ended their long-standing relationship with blockbuster king Jerry Bruckheimer.

Who knows... maybe the DVDs will sell well...?

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