Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Weiner Talks Mad Men Split Season

Mad Men head-honcho Matt Weiner has been talking to USA Today about the frustrating and creatively questionable decision to split the final season of Mad Men into two seven-episode chunks.

On why the decision was made, Weiner says it was due to "what happened with Breaking Bad. You can see why."

The decision to split the final season of Breaking Bad did pay dividends for AMC, it must be admitted, with the split in the final season allowing for some dramatic cliffhangers, and some truly impressive ratings, although Weiner admits that Mad Men's stablemate has ratings "that I don't think we'll ever see, drawing it out like that."

With its more thematic, bigger-picture style of season-long narratives, it's hard to see how splitting the season will do anything other than hurt Mad Men.

But Weiner remains optimistc, finishing by saying "I only think of it creatively and it's a challenge."

Weiner on the set

Hopefully a challenge that Weiner and co. can rise to.

Get it? Rise to? Because his name's Weiner?

Oh come on, don't act like you weren't thinking it...

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