Monday, 23 September 2013

Troll Hunter Gets English Language Remake

Cult Norwegian 'found footage' flick Troll Hunter is to receive the ramke treatment, it has been revealed.

The well-received 2010 monster movie is being produced by Chris Columbus, from a script by Marc Haimes, according to Deadline. Dog Soldiers and Game Of Thrones director Neil Marshall has been linked with the project.

Deadline also reports that producers are looking for a male lead who has not previously been associated with the horror genre.

Neil Marshall behind the camera

English language remakes are not an inherently bad thing - the recent re-adaptation of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo immediately springing to mind - but this whole project feels a bit... pointless.

The original movie is so tied in to Troll myths specific to Norway that changing the location of the story is presumably out of the question. So given that the setting will likely be the same, making the actors Brits or Americans playing Norwegian characters, it's hard to imagine what could be gained (other than more lowest-common-denominator viewers who are put off by subtitles) by redoing the film. Especially since recent movies like The Raid are showing that subtitles are becoming far less of a deterrent to box office success.

And "Raaaawwwrrrr!!!!" translates the same in any language

Production is slated to begin early next year.

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