Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Dan Harmon Loses His Shit, Talks About Feeding Brother To Dahmer

For somebody who knows comedy so well, Dan Harmon really should know when his jokes are going to fall flat.

Fresh from the controvesy he caused by saying that watching season four of Community was like "watching his family get raped", Harmon has taken to Reddit with a seriously bizarre rant about punching people, murderous corpse-shagging cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer, and jet packs.

This is either the face of a troubled genius, or the face of madness.

Harmon was fired as the showrunner of Community after a spectacularly tasteless display at the season three wrap party that saw him publicly humiliate Chevy Chase in front of his entire family. But with Chase having now left the show, Harmon is back in charge, and seems to be doing everything in his power to lose his job again as quickly as possible.

His latest explosion of douchebaggery came on the Reddit subforum "Unpopular Opinions About The Unpopular Opinions About Community" (Confused? Well things are about to get even more batshit, so try to keep up...)

Somebody on that forum (and I refuse to use the word "Redditor" because I'm older than ten) made a comment suggesting that while the unpopular fourth season was indeed bad (so, thusfar, our poor guy is agreeing with Harmon), many of the perceived problems with that season actually began in the Harmon-run season three.

Which prompted this rational response from Harmon:

"Saying season 3 sucked is like punching my brother. I wish it wouldn’t happen but my brother probably deserved it, he’s kind of nuts. But I love him, you know? I don’t talk to him, but he’s my brother.
"Saying season 4 sucked is like punching…let’s say Jeffrey Dahmer. He’s from my home town, but I didn’t know him and he ate 17 people.
"Saying season 3 sucked so bad that it made season 4 suck is like feeding my brother to Jeffrey Dahmer. I have no idea if he deserves it, it doesn’t matter if he does, it bums me out, there’s nothing I can do, but definitely no need to argue about it.
"Explaining why season 4 is season 3′s fault and how it’s important to state your opinion and I should really calm down is like feeding my brother to Dahmer really slowly, while wearing Harry Potter glasses that you keep pushing up on the bridge of your nose.
"Saying anything about community sucked is like punching. It would be great if it never happened but so would having a gumdrop-exhaust-powered jet pack." 

Since Harmon was forced to publicly apologise for likening Community to rape, it's hard to imagine what sort of shit-storm he's going to bring down upon himself for making an analogy that involves helping a cannibalistic serial killer to murder his own brother. But you have to question whether Harmon even wants his job anymore.

The only thing even approaching common sense to come out of this bizarre episode is this comment from his former collaborator Megan Ganz, which is probably the politest and most reasonable verbal bitch-slap possible in this situation: "Anything you have to say about season 4 could be accomplished by writing a really great season 5. Then fans will do your bashing for you. Just remember the old adage: "You catch more flies with cool guest stars than with Dahmer comparisons.""

If it's any consolation to Harmon, one person probably found this latest act of weirdness funny - in fact, I'm sure Chevy finds it positively hilarious.

For those of you who remember when Community used to be about watching a comedy show rather than about the strangest backstage goings-on this side of Kubrick, Community: Season Five is expected to air next year.

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