Tuesday, 22 October 2013

50th:- Trailers, Pics And Posters

With just over a month to go until airing, the BBC finally dropped a trailer for The Day Of The Doctor this weekend. Sort of.

The trailer is full of lovely references to the past, and familiar faces, but there's no new footage in there. A great way to build up hype and excitement (and certainly better than the #SaveTheDay trailers), but if I were to be a bit petty, I'd point out that there are already dozens of fan-made trailers that do the same sort of thing all over YouTube.

There is a glimpse of something new in this pic, though, which has hit the net lately:

This image is reportedly from The Day Of The Doctor - and remember, when asked for a hint about the upcoming special, Matt Smith simply said "Paintings". What does it mean, though?

Straying away from The Day Of The Doctor itself, a new poster has been unveiled for An Adventure In Space And Time. This is a truly lovely little piece of artwork, the sort of thing that you'd see on the old Who annuals of the Sixties (fittingly enough).

Loving the old BBC logo...

And finally, looking beyond the birthday celebrations and into next year, Karen Gillan has thrown her support behind the casting of Peter Capaldi. Speaking to PA the former companion said:

"It's weird that [Matt]'s leaving, because to me he is the Doctor and he always will be. But I'm biased, I guess!

 I think Peter Capaldi is an amazing choice and a really cool direction to take the character - he's older, he's different to Matt and he's Scottish!

A lot of people associate him with Malcolm Tucker who's very grumpy, but that could work for the Doctor."

The Day Of The Doctor stars Matt Smith, David Tennant, Jenna Coleman, Billie Piper, Jemma Redgrave and John Hurt, and airs worldwide on November 23rd.

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