Sunday 24 November 2013

Six Talks Friday Night Lights Movie

Scott Porter has joined Kyle Chandler in expressing doubt over the need for a Friday Night Lights movie.

"It's tricky for me because Jason [Street, Scott's character]'s story ended so well," Porter explained to Parade. "At first, it was a kick in the gut to know that I'd be leaving the show in season three, but once I realised how they allowed Jason to leave the show, I understood.

"Out of every character on that show, you could almost fight to say that Jason won. He won at life and overcame so much. I think his future is pretty set in stone. That being said, of course if they did a film, I'd love to go back and inhabit that character once again.

"But I think there's a little bit of trepidation for all of us as to taking one more step because I feel like we all did such special and great work on the show that we just don't want to sully it."

Kyle Chandler had previously said that he didn't think the long-rumoured movie was necessary.

Porter did conclude on a cautiously optimistic note, though:

"If there's anybody that could take a book to a movie to a television show and back to the movies, it's Peter Berg and Jason Katims and all those people. If that core team is involved, then the sky is the limit."

Friday Night Lights has already been a movie, of course, so if there were to be a big screen outing for the team it would be a movie-of-a-show-of-a-movie-of-a-book-of-a-true-story.

Which, to my mind, is as good a reason as any to go ahead.

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